Thanatography Thursday Memorial: Harriet Zimmerman (1820-1895)
Through the years I have collected a number of calling cards or cartes de visite of people I wish I could have known. Their likenesses...

Corpses, Cadavers and Catalogues
Corpses, Cadavers and Catalogues: The Mobilities of Dead Bodies and Body Parts, Past and Present is an interdiscplinary seminar happening...

Thanatographies vol. III: The Memento Mori How-to Edition
January 3rd is the international Memento Mori Day. But as the cliché goes, every day should be memento mori day. Here is a handy little...

Thanatographies vol. II
From Tony's Scrapbook by Tony Wons, 1941-1942 edition. The holidays can be especially difficult and bittersweet after a loss. It's too...

Thanatographies vol. I
Links about death, loss and grief Death and the Maiden by James C. Christensen. I wrote a guest post for Death and the Maidens about...

Dying in America
Death baffles us. It’s a curious quirk of American culture, that so much attention is lavished upon the beginning of life, and so little...