n 2013, Mano Divina, the director and theremin player of the acclaimed Divine Hand Ensemble approached me to curate an art show to accompany his annual Fringe concert at the Laurel Hill Cemetery, in Philadelphia, PA.
I called upon a small team of local artists and the first Thanatography was born, a one-day exhibition of personal works relating to death and loss. The response from both the artists and the viewers was encouraging.
The following year, Thanatography returned to Laurel Hill cemetery as a set of site specific art installations, that intergrated the gravesites and payed homage to the cemetery inhabitants.
This website is the virtual counterpart of the physical manifestation of curating and exhibiting two and three dimensional works about death, loss and mourning.
If you would like to host a custom Thanatography exhibition at your site please write to thanatography@gmail.com

Unfired clay flower wreath sculpture from "Return to Earth", a time based piece made of wet clay sculptures that will dry & dissolve into the earth depositing flower seeds which will emerge into the Spring, by Emily Snedden Yates.