Live on Kaddish Podcast!
The Aramaic word "Kaddish" (קדיש) generally refers to the "Mourners' Kaddish", one of the mourning prayer in the Jewish religious...
Mother's Day
As some of you already know, this past year I have been working as a hospice volunteer and a death doula. It has been a challenging,...
Death in Photochrom
he vast majority of the images in the photochrom collection are of historical monuments like the Statue of Liberty and natural sights like t
Offering Condolences
One of the reasons it is so hard for people to know what to say is that they aren’t familiar with grief in the same way. They may not...
On the Night My Mother Died
On the night my mother died, it snowed. I got the call from the hospital, and drove through the flake-laden darkness to her hospice room...
Thanatographies vol. II
From Tony's Scrapbook by Tony Wons, 1941-1942 edition. The holidays can be especially difficult and bittersweet after a loss. It's too...
Thanatographies vol. I
Links about death, loss and grief Death and the Maiden by James C. Christensen. I wrote a guest post for Death and the Maidens about...
Dying in America
Death baffles us. It’s a curious quirk of American culture, that so much attention is lavished upon the beginning of life, and so little...